
Tuesday 17 March 2020

All About Me

Bonjour, and Welcome to my blog.

I am Lucy
I am 10
I am a year 6
I have gone to Yaldhurst Model School, ever sence I was 5


  1. Eggs or cereal?
  2. Milk or chocolate milk?
  3. Coke or Pepsi?
  4. Juice or water?
  5. White or wholemeal?
  6. Cake or donuts?
  7. Vanilla or chocolate?
  8. Corn or peas?
  9. Green beans or broccoli?
  10. Pancakes or waffles?
  11. Action movies or dramas?
  12. Comedy or scary movies?
  13. Television or book?
  14. Paper book or Ebook?
  15. TVNZ or TV3?
  16. Cards or board games?
  17. Dressing up or casual clothes?
  18. Sneakers or jandals?
  19. Cars or trucks?
  20. Soccer or hockey?
  21. Rugby or Netball?
  22. Hunting or fishing?
  23. Skiing or surfing?
  24. Xbox or PS?
  25. Multiplayer or single player?
  26. Walking or jogging?
  27. Spring or Autumn?
  28. Winter or Summer?
  29. Shower or bath?
  30. Dog or cat? Both
  31. Night owl or early riser?
  32. Long or short hair?
  33. Shy or outgoing?
  34. Draw or read?
  35. When hanging toilet paper, over or under?

  1. Age you first started at Yaldhurst Model School - Five
  2. Middle name -  Jean
  3. Favourite colour -  Black
  4. Favourite song -  Looking at me
  5. Number of siblings - 1 (Me and my sister)
  6. Favourite sport - Swimming
  7. Best birthday party you have had - When I was 8 or 9
  8. Best birthday party you have been to -  My sister's one
  9. Favourite animal -  Koala
  10. Favourite food -  burritos
  11. Age you first flew in a plane -  4
  12. Been on a boat? Yes
  13. Been on a train? no
  14. Can speak another language? no
  15. Best talent? Gaming

Thursday 12 March 2020

# Week 1 Chrombook tips and shortcuts

Hola, thats 'Hello' in spanish. I decided I´d start doing a series of blog posts about Chromebook tips and shortcuts.

Every week. The first shortcut is how to quickly make a copy of anything on your class site. click the grey button on corner of the slide --> Then go to the URL at the top and get reed of the bit that says present slide or doc with some numbers, then replace that with the word 'copy' (no captals) then press enter --> Then it should have a small blue button that says 'Make a Copy'. Press it --> Then you should have a copy of the doc or slide.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

My Strengths (Personality Test Results)

Hi, A few weeks ago we did personality tests to find more about ourselfs. First test I did was VIA character strenghs survey.  It gave me 24 results. I'll tell you my top five.  Have you ever done anything simlair?

  1.  Gratitude
  2. Humor
  3. Love
  4. Humilty
  5. Social intelligence                           This is a small example of how the test works. 


Tuesday 3 March 2020

Going to Lincolns Courses 2020

Hello, Yesterday I went to Lincoln, Only the 6's went. We learned about leadership and how to teach games to younger kids and how to get them to listen. We learned how to make our own game with and without equiment. We also learned some new games like fruit salad and animal evolution. 

This how to play fruit salad, but you need a lot of people.
How to play fruit salad: 
Find a buddy and sit down with your feet touching eachother
When everyone is in that place in a line you give every team (Buddies) a fruit when the coach says your fruit you jump over the legs go around your side and back to your spot. 
When they say FRUIT SALAD everyone gets up run around and find where there spot is.
You try and get there the quickest.
